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Entrepreneurship and Financial Seminar
An entrepreneurship and financial empowerment seminar in the four corners of Botswana. Upon executing this project young people meet people who challenge them to look more into themselves and find out what is unique to them so that they can find their unique business proposition and start something that will eventually employ them and end up employing others. They are exposed to business mentorship and associations of young entrepreneurs: use them to handle available investment funds earmarked for start-ups/entrepreneurs, and promoting entrepreneurship associations at the local level.

National Youth Employment Forum
The project brings young people to come under one roof and idealize on ways of curbing unemployment. In the conference participants discuss the causes and provide solutions. These suggestions are submitted to different stakeholders both government and private with the purpose to make them aware of what youth of the country thinks and desires. This gathering elucidate how to tackle our youth bulge effectively. To further sit down as a nation and come up with a strategic paper on youth unemployment, poverty reduction and mitigating factors.

Tuesday Employment Enhancement Seminars
In coming up with ways as an organization to bridge this gap and reduce social vices associated with youth unemployment, we initiated the Tuesday Employment Enhancement Seminars #TEES programme that host a 2 hour session every Tuesday from 9am to 11am. The sessions brings in different Human Resource experts, Recruitment Managers, Young Professionals and any other bodies/parties that enhances job readiness skills for young people. The session also provides an opportunity for attendants to apply, be interviewed on the spot etc.

This a project that promote local community-based institutions through our 5 Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Clubs in the areas of Maruapula, Mmopane, Molepolole, Kopong and Gaborone Block 3 village that mentors and provide timely information on Career Opportunities and Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights Services. Due to high unemployment rate of the target population there is inadequate information on health related issues as well as skills enhancement for employability and as such it provides learning through bad street language.

Career choice guidance
Job hunting skills & Vacancies online posting
Stakeholder engagement,
Youth empowerment workshops, seminars and forum